

  • 类别: 社区通讯
  • 发布:
  • 写的: 帕特里克·巴鲁斯,医学博士,公共卫生硕士

你醒来准备开始新的一周. You hop out of bed to begin your morning routine and bam – an excruciating pain radiates from the bottom of your foot and heel and you can hardly put weight on it. You walk it out for a few minutes and then all feels fine.

This is often how plantar fasciitis strikes - after a long period of rest, such as sleeping or after a long car ride. It also may show up suddenly after exercising or doing another activity. If you’ve ever experienced pain in the bottom of your heel, you may have plantar fasciitis.

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, approximately 2 million people are treated for plantar fasciitis each year. It happens when the plantar fascia – the long, thin band of tissue that supports the arch of your foot – becomes inflamed or irritated. 这是脚后跟疼痛最常见的原因.

The plantar fascia’s function is to absorb the strain and stress we put on our feet as we go about our daily lives. Over time, or when too much pressure is put on the feet, the tissues can become damaged or even tear. This injury causes inflammation, resulting in stiffening of the plantar fascia. 脚后跟疼痛是主要症状.


Although most cases of plantar fasciitis have no specific cause, there are factors that may make you more likely to develop it.

  • Tight calf muscles making it hard to flex your foot up
  • 高拱
  • 肥胖
  • Participating in sports that involve repetitive impact, such as running
  • 做新的或增加的活动

If you experience pain in your heel, an orthopedic surgeon can help determine the cause of the pain. Your orthopaedist will examine your foot and discuss your symptoms and concerns with you. X-rays and other imaging tests are usually ordered to help diagnose plantar fasciitis or determine if the heel pain is caused by a different problem. In some individuals, arthritis or a fracture may be the cause of heel pain. Once a diagnosis is confirmed, your orthopaedist will recommend a treatment plan. Most people with plantar fasciitis see improvement within months of beginning non-surgical treatment methods.

  • 休息
  • 药物
  • 运动和伸展运动
  • 可的松注射
  • 支持鞋和/或矫形器
  • 夜间夹板
  • 物理治疗

If the non-surgical treatments do not provide you with effective relief after a year or so, 可以考虑手术治疗.

Surgical options for plantar fasciitis include:
  • 足底筋膜松解:在这个过程中, tension is relieved in the tissue by making a partial cut in the plantar fascia ligament. This surgery is appropriate for those who have a normal range of motion in the ankle but continued heel pain.
  • 腓肠肌衰退: This procedure consists of lengthening one of the two calf (gastrocnemius) muscles and is recommended for individuals who may still have difficulty flexing their feet after completing a non-surgical regimen of stretches.

Either procedure can be done using a traditional, open incision or a smaller incision and an endoscope. You and your surgeon would decide which method is appropriate for you.

Don’t let plantar fasciitis keep you down. 缓解是可能的. See your health care provider and get the relief you need to put the spring back in your step.

Dr. 帕特里克Barousse is a surgeon with North Oaks Orthopedic Specialty Center who specializes in diseases and injuries of the foot and ankle. 点击这里 to learn more about foot and ankle care.

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